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Judge Garrity's Courtroom 2.jpg
Students from advanced fourth and fifth grade classes at the M.J. Tobin School in Roxbury shared their concerns about busing. They were afraid that Phase II of forced busing would end advanced classes and this would academically hold back from…

Judge Garrity's Courtroom.jpg
Students from an advanced fourth grade class from the M.J. Tobin School share their concerns about busing. They are afraid that they will be bussed to schools that do not have advanced classes and they will be academically held back from reaching…

A partial census of the number of white and non-white students within the Boston Public Schools in October 1973

Data from a census taken on October 1, 1972 of all the white and non-white students in the Boston Public Schools

A a graph, a chart, and figures representing the percentage of non-white students within the Boston Public Schools during the 1970-1971 school year

Mayor Kevin White responded to Marc's words of wisdom about blacks and whites getting along.

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Students from advanced fourth and fifth grade classes at the M.J. Tobin School in Roxbury shared their concerns about busing. They were afraid that Phase II of forced busing would end advanced classes and this would academically hold back from…

When the desegregation of Boston Public Schools made national headlines, students across the country sent letters to Mayor Kevin White giving advice, criticism, and concern. This student sympathizes with the situation and reassures White that it…

During the desegregation of Boston public schools Mayor Kevin White received numerous letters, including students in Boston. The student in this letter encourages Mayor White to continue desegregating the schools, calling him "the best mayor we…

During the desegregation of Boston public schools Mayor Kevin White received numerous letters, including students in Boston and across the country. This particular student wrote to Mayor White explaining that schools in Florida were integrated and…
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