When the desegregation of Boston Public Schools made national headlines students across the country sent letters to Mayor Kevin White giving advice, criticism, and concern. This particular student asks the mayor to answer some tough questions.
When the desegregation of Boston Public Schools made national headlines, students across the country sent letters to Mayor Kevin White giving advice, criticism, and concern. This student shares both his/her experience and advice on integration.
When the desegregation of Boston Public Schools made national headlines students across the country sent letters to Mayor Kevin White giving advice, criticism, and concern. This student expresses his/her outrage and disappointment with Mayor White…
A resident of Missouri objected against forced busing. The resident questioned the legality of the practice in Boston. They believed freedom of choice would be eliminated with the practice of school integration.
A resident of Arizona believed the mayor needed to aid African Americans and create opportunities for equal education. The letter cited slavery and the humanity of African Americans.
A resident of Iowa urged the mayor to take action against Boston busing. They believed it was an "un constitutional and un-american" practice. The resident asked the mayor to address the legality of the issue.
The resident of Indiana stated that busing students was a form of dictatorship and changed the authority parents had over their children. The resident also cited the bible arguing the bible disagreed with integration.