Front page of the booklet depicting busing, police officers, and a child with a sign appealing for Congress to stop busing of students as a means of integrating schools.
The exact origins of this letter, its specific creators, and its specific intended recipients are unknown, although it is clearly marked as a “draft.” It appears to be from a group calling themselves “the committee of correspondents” and writing to…
This memo is addressed to “Jimmy,” presumably Jim O’Leary, who was a member of Congressman Moakley’s district staff. It outlines the various anti-busing actions that Moakley has taken in Congress, including legislation and discharge petitions that he…
The specific authors of this statement are unknown, but they identify themselves in the text as “we, the parents of the children of Boston.” In the statement, the writers express their anger over the receivership of South Boston High School, calling…
This eight-page newsletter, published and distributed by the anti-busing West Roxbury Information Center, is, according to its creators, part of a series of publication that will present “a factual account of busing and its affect [sic] on the…
This document created by the Boston Public Schools articulates both the projected and actual enrollment as broken down by school, area, and race during the first week of Phase II's implementation.